Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Time is Here!

Whew! The summer heat has hit us hard here on California's Central Coast. We have spent most of the past week at temperatures above 105 degrees with no end in sight. The rabbits are nice and cool inside the barn but like a worried mom I can't help but stick close to home. I feel like a shut-in, but at least they are safe. Did I mention -- I hate the summertime!

The barn is almost complete. Marc has been helping me get the final touches finalized with FRP paneling on the walls. Wow! It is so nice to just "Kaboom" the walls and wipe them down to clean. I am really happy with this material. Just a few more weeks and it will be all installed.

Another exciting announcement: I have finally settled on a linoleum pattern for the new floor. The first attempt at flooring was a waste of money and effort and shows everything! It was similar to that wood flooring; came in strips. Ugh. I have to rip it out and start over. I would rather go with something which will be functional and last longer - and not cause more work for me in the long run. Lesson learned, that's for sure.

I am sure if you follow my blog and frequent you have noticed a few {{{ BIG }}} changes over this past week. Yes, I finally updated: at the request of my friend Marie from Stretching Limits Rabbitry, she motivated me to take some time and update our website: which has turned into a full website redesign. I have several projects happening now also. Working on another friend's website, and working hard to complete a handful of ARBA Catalog Ads for the upcomming national convention.

Another big addition: I have added several new rabbits: American Fuzzy Lops from killer lines! I am in the hopes of outcrossing our line and will be working to improve shoulders, hindquarter and crowns with these new bucks. I felt it such an outstanding opportunity and could not pass it up.

One thing which has been on my mind quite a bit is ethics. What is ethical? What's not? Do you stand behind each animal you sell? Do you replace animals? Or sadly, is the sale more important than the forged relationships you could have possibly made with a fellow breeder/enthusiast?

Most of us derive a certain amount of enjoyment out of this hobby. Others are down right passionate. Whether it is friendships, developing your line, or winning; how you relate to other breeders and conduct your own business in this fancy is a reflection on the type of person you are.

I personally believe winning is easy. It's how you loose which shows true character.
My question to you: Are you a good looser?

Here is a simple definition of Ethics: Ethics is a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality, such as what the fundamental semantic, ontological and epistemic nature of ethics or morality is (meta ethics) how moral values should be determined (normative ethics), how a moral outcome can be achieved in specific situations (applied ethics), how moral capacity or moral agency develops and what its nature is (moral psychology), and what moral values people actually abide by (descriptive ethics).

This has really been on my mind. Just something to think over.
Hope you are having a great summer evening.


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